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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Money Saving Tip

  Try your hardest to always buy on sale.  Paying regular price for most items is just not necessary, if you plan ahead and watch for sales and specials at all of your local stores.  

a.  Check your weekly newspaper fliers for announced sales and specials, and look for the store’s sales flier and unannounced sales while in the store.  

b.  Take advantage of buy-one-get-one-free offers for items you really need.  Some stores do not even make you purchase two of the item to get the discount.  Ask the store about their policy.

c.  Look on the higher and lower shelves for specials and less expensive products, where they are often located, rather than on the eye-level shelves where most of the higher-priced products are stocked.

d.  Make sure to look on the “outside” lanes of the grocery store, particularly at the front of the store against the front wall.  Often there are unannounced specials offered with some real savings.

e.  Get a rain check for any sale item you need that is out of stock.  If the rain check indicates the number that you can buy in the future at the sale price, make sure that the store fills out the rain check with the maximum number you want to buy.  Most stores are very liberal with this policy

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